‘An eye-opening experience’

...nurse supporting a service user facing eviction from his home. As well as supporting the service user to understand the situation, the nurse also liaised directly with the council on...
...nurse supporting a service user facing eviction from his home. As well as supporting the service user to understand the situation, the nurse also liaised directly with the council on...
...away from connecting? My take home messages, which I will consider when thinking about the future delivery of health and care services, are: Moving care closer to home may be...
It has now been a year since we prepared our first set of civil servants to go out on the frontline. As I look back over that year, not only do I have a lot of memories, but most of …
Looking back at 2013, I can't quite believe that this time last year the Connecting programme did not exist. Of course, people in DH had always gone out into the health and care system. The difference though now is that …
I have just returned from a week at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. I wanted to witness first-hand “what good care looks like” locally having read some really encouraging patient feedback on the quality of care provided by the …
Noelle breathes and blinks like you and me…but she is made of rubber and costs £40,000. Noelle is a state of the art training aid for staff at Kingston Hospital and I had a chance to watch the team using …