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Over the summer, I have been getting to grips with a new role within DH. As I begin to work within the patient safety agenda, I have been reflecting how Connecting is so useful in giving you valuable insights into …
Looking back at 2013, I can't quite believe that this time last year the Connecting programme did not exist. Of course, people in DH had always gone out into the health and care system. The difference though now is that …
...with an impressive degree of flexibility. For example, day care staff offered a personalised service and were able to get to people’s homes early in the morning when they wanted...
Returning from my second week out connecting has provided me with a point on which to reflect on my experiences to date, and consider how they are changing the way that I am doing my job. From ward to ward …
Noelle breathes and blinks like you and me…but she is made of rubber and costs £40,000. Noelle is a state of the art training aid for staff at Kingston Hospital and I had a chance to watch the team using …
I have now had two week-long connecting experiences - both offered a wealth of fascinating learning. North Essex Partnership University NHS Trust My time connecting at North Essex was spent in a low-secure residential unit, with the criminal justice team …
...allowing patients recently discharged from hospital to settle back into their homes. I spent the first half of the week in the Emergency Department, including at the Emergency Medical and...
Welcome to the connecting to patients and people who use services blog, where I and others will be sharing updates and conversations about the Department’s connecting programme. The programme has been up and running for about three months now. Proud and emotional…these …