Community care
A few months ago, two of our Connecting partners came along to one of our DG updates and spoke about their experiences of being part of the Connecting programme. One of the issues raised was that Connecting is usually arranged with one …
York Street Health Practice, part of Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust (LCH), is a nationally recognised model of health inclusion for marginalised and vulnerable people. We work with 1200 people in the Leeds area and seek to be a centre …
...nurse supporting a service user facing eviction from his home. As well as supporting the service user to understand the situation, the nurse also liaised directly with the council on...
...away from connecting? My take home messages, which I will consider when thinking about the future delivery of health and care services, are: Moving care closer to home may be...
As the mother of young children, I spend a lot more time thinking about supporting people at the beginning of their lives than towards the end of their lives. But my daughters are statistically likely to live to be a …
When the Connecting programme was first set up, I admit to being a touch sceptical about what it might offer beyond the normal way of doing business. Like other colleagues in DH, I have always spent time visiting and making …
Connecting has been a fantastic opportunity to remind me why I joined the Department of Health, having recently come back after several years working in other parts of Government. It’s also given me a very useful snapshot of the reality …
It was great to be involved with DH’s Connecting programme, helping civil servants gain experience in a school-based early intervention mental health service like ours. We have always supported the recommendations of the Francis Inquiry to improve quality of care …
A passion of staff at all levels to deliver quality I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect on this particular connecting visit, having already done two connecting visits before in acute settings. A group of us recently visited Central London …